“West Point Is Where Your Heart Is”: Learning, Growing, And Finding A Home At USMA

Elizabeth Lee


Liz Lee was born in Tucson, Arizona, but grew up in a variety of locations, including Arizona, Minnesota, Korea, and New Jersey. Both of her parents have been involved with higher education; her dad is a college professor, and her mom worked for a scholarship foundation in Korea. In Seoul, Liz attended an international school and valued the diversity she experienced. She recalls making the most memories in New Jersey, but loved the food in Korea. She always enjoyed being outdoors and playing sports. In high school, Liz lived with a family friend whose daughter attended West Point, which inspired Liz to consider the Military Academy as well. A positive experience at the Summer Leaders Experience confirmed her desire to be a Cadet. Although she struggled with some of the math and science courses, once she selected Sociology as a major with a focus in Law, she enjoyed how it broadened her thinking. Currently, Liz is the 4th Regimental Respect Representative, a new position that encompasses Trust and Equal Opportunity. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she initially quarantined with a friend in Texas, but returned to New Jersey for much of the “COVID semester.” In this interview, she talks about her childhood and her time at West Point. She reflects on her experiences majoring in Sociology, how it has broadened her thinking, and the importance of mentors within the department. She highlights how her position as Respect Representative and her major have encouraged her to think more deeply. At the end of the interview, she describes what West Point means to her.


topics West Point History Women in Service COVID-19 Leadership Teamwork Camaraderie Diversity
interviewer David Siry
date 08 December 2020


name Elizabeth Lee
institution USMA
graduation year 2021
service Signal Corps
specialty Respect Representative
service dates 2021